
Raising Awareness For Children’s Cancer

By Molly Arabella Kirk

As a perfect follow-up article surrounding celebrating and raising awareness of Children’s Cancer Day, I interviewed the incredible Alexa Voyatjes and her lovely mother Karin!

Believe in yourself, keep smiling and never stop until you achieve your goal. You can do it!’

Meet Alexa VoyatjesDubai’s own ‘Leukaemia Warrior’, who recently received the prestigious Hope Award late last year and has just celebrated the momentous milestone of three years off treatment! Congratulations Alexa!

At the end of last year Alexa earnt the astonishing opportunity to attend the opening ceremony of the Emirates Oncology Society (EOS) conference and share her moving story surrounding her fight with leukaemia at only three years old. This honour was bestowed upon her in light of all the incredible work she does in her free time to advocate for other children diagnosed with cancer and in promoting their voices and stories – even speaking on panels across Dubai! 

‘My message to other sick kids and their families is to always be happy and smiling. I want them to believe they are amazing no matter how sick they feel. I want them to believe in themselves even if they don’t think they can do it. I want them to know they can do it. I want them to know that I am proud of them, and I want to tell them that they are a star wherever they are.’

Everyday Alexa continues to inspire others, showing everyone that there are truly no limits to what we can achieve for ourselves and others. She was unsurprisingly awarded the Hope award for all her achievements raising cancer awareness and her incredibly optimistic and mature outlook on life at only aged eight! 

‘Alexa is a real inspiration to us all. Sharing her story gives great hope to so many families experiencing cancer across the world. She skips into school every day with an enormous smile and an abundance of positive energy ready to live life to the full. We are all very proud of her.’ 

– Steven Kavanaugh (Alexa’s form tutor)

Outside of activism and raising awareness, Alexa’s favourite hobbies are playing with her Schnauzer companion Molly, going to the beach and baking with her mom!

In terms of general advice, Alexa encourages everyone to also do their part in speaking out for those who may be suffering or sick and to above all believe in yourself and who you are: ‘Just believe in yourself, try your best and do what you believe’‘Always be kind and be your true self!’

Her wonderful mother Karin Voyatjes also stepped in during this interview and offered her own inspiring advice for staying positive during hard times, reiterating the importance of focusing on yourself, practicing gratitude, exercising and staying active, prioritising skincare and simply just taking it one day at a time, step-by-step:

My life advice would be “Find the joy in the small things”, which is very much what Alexa lives by even though she does not realise it and also “this too shall pass”, for all the challenging moments one may face.’

My advice for parents is to focus on the most important items surrounding your child’s wellbeing and your own wellbeing, outsource what you can and ask for help when you need it. You are you child’s advocate so don’t be afraid to raise your concerns and ask questions on the medical front.’

Meeting Alexa and Karin has been a true privilege, they are both such incredibly strong and resilient people, yet their positivity by far outshines it all. Every time I bump into Alexa, she has the biggest smile and greets me with such enthusiasm it touches my heart; I can’t wait to see what she achieves in the future.

Thank you, Alexa and Karin!